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Freya, Daydreaming

Freya Daydreaming has a beautiful watercolour print, it's non padded and underwired with a plunging neckline whilst offering you full support.

More bras in the Freya range: All Freya Bras | Freya Lauren Bras | Freya Active Sports Bra Range | Freya Pure Nursing Bras | Freya Faye Bras

For Freya bra & briefs: All Freya bras & briefs | Freya Festival Vibe | Freya Offbeat Freya Expression | Freya Daydreaming | Freya Fancies |  Freya Starlight Freya Boho | Freya Awakening | Freya Idol | Freya Cameo Freya Deco | Freya Daisy Lace | Freya Fearne | Freya Rio | Freya Rosie | Freya Dotty | Freya Pollyanna  | Freya Gem 

For Freya briefs only: Rapture briefs | Freya Ooh La la briefs | Freya Lacey briefs 

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